
Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Affirmation

Students at Wyndham DHS learn the affirmation to help them remember the Six Kinds of Best.

Positive Attitude and High Expectations

I am One of Kind

I am Kind to Myself

I am Kind to Others

I am the Kind to the Environment

I am the Learning Kind
I am the Achieving Kind
I am the Community Kind
and I

We need a Mascot

To help us spread The Wyndham Way message a friendly croc was just what we needed. In 2010 we held a competition to name the croc. And the winner is SNAPPY!

The Wyndham Way Logo

After working with David Koutsoukis to develop the Architecture for Success and embed the Six Kinds of Best values program we worked with Craig from Intermedia Design to develop the Wyndham Way logo. The logo identifies the 6KB on a flourishing Boab tree. Using the tree as a nod to the tree of life, the tree of knowledge and the Boab tree which is unique to the East Kimberley.

Wyndham District High School

Wyndham  District High School is a remote community school famous for its friendliness. The school is situated in the East Kimberley at the base of the Bastion Range or Five Rivers Lookout where the Forrest, Pentecost, Durack, King and Ord rivers flow into the Cambridge Gulf. The magnificent Cockburn Range presents as a wonderful backdrop to the school and Wyndham Community. Our new school logo came into effect into 2010 with the rebadging of the school and the introduction of The Wyndham Way. Even the crocodiles are friendly at Wyndham as our smiling croc logo and big croc in the main street confirms.