
Tuesday, August 16, 2011


This document seeks to outline the plans and initiatives that will be undertaken at Wyndham District High School 2010 - 2012 to improve the learning outcomes of its students. The plan has two components; the first outlines the Strategic Directions for the school, the school vision and mission statements and sets the scene for the schools trajectory and the priorities that will enable us to achieve this.

The second aspect is a detailed plan for each of these priority areas. These priorities guide staff in the learning programs to be implemented across the classrooms and outline the responsibilities for monitoring student performance. Literacy and Numeracy, School Culture and Attendance are the major priorities for the school.

The priorities will be met using strategies that underpin the Curriculum Framework, the Aboriginal Literacy Strategy, The Wyndham Way (6KB), First Steps, ESL/D Progress Maps and Getting it Right Numeracy. Teachers are asked to plan at a classroom level to develop the strategies and learning experiences that will help the students work towards attaining the agreed whole school improvement targets. Professional Development for staff will focus on improving skills and knowledge to meet these directions.

The Wyndham District High School Framework for Planning and Review outlines the outcomes for collection of valid and reliable student information to set whole school targets and fulfil our commitment to monitoring using the Kimberley Literacy Profiles. The framework encourages teachers to use assessment to develop appropriate strategies, manage learning opportunities and select resources to address identified student needs. In 2011 the school will continue to support a Getting it Right Numeracy specialist teacher and a Literacy Coordinator using funding from the National Partnerships Program and the School Support Resource Allocation.


Wyndham DHS provides innovative programs that assist students to reach their full potential



To provide Literacy and Numeracy Programs that assists students to reach their potential.

·       Continue current successful programs (eg.  First Steps, Making the Jump, ESL/D Progress Maps, letters and sounds, spelling, phonological awareness)
·       AE/SAE Professional Development provided to all staff T1 2011
·       ALSS strategies implemented in Year1
·       Literacy to be continued in 2 hr block each day (PS) following Aboriginal Literacy Strategy
·       A minimum of 3 x 30 minute sessions of AE/SAE activities per week.
·       A minimum of 3  x 30 minute sessions of  Guided Reading per week
·       Numeracy to be taught for 2 hrs each day (PS)
·       GiRN to support classroom teachers with numeracy planning development
·       6 hrs of Eng and Maths in HS each week
·       Where appropriate integrate all (other) learning areas into themes (PS)
·       Sounds Waves spelling and reading program introduced
·       Phonics program in K, P and Year 1
·       Primary School Literacy Program and monitoring system implemented
·       NAPLAN focus throughout term 1
·       Persuasive texts introduced in  term 4 for years 2,4,6,8 and explicitly taught in term 1 for years 3,5,7,9
·         Specific targets set for individual students in literacy and numeracy.
·       NAPLAN data, PM Benchmark and First Steps Writing used to identify skills for target setting.
·       All primary students have a completed KLP
·       First Steps Writing phase and PB Reading Benchmark collated for classroom teachers at the end of each year.
·       Teacher planning reflects the plan, implement, and evaluate cycle.

Teachers, EA’s and AIEO’s are equipped with and use a range of teaching strategies that will allow them to facilitate learning according to students’ needs and abilities.
·        Literacy Coordinator continues
·       GIRN specialist to continue
·        Literacy and GIRN Teacher to model different teaching strategies and assist teachers with planning
·       AIEOs to develop Aboriginal English games and resources for primary classes.
·       Continue after school meeting times for both formal and informal PL and to plan for individual students needs.
·       The classroom teacher and AIEO/EA collaborate with specialists to develop IEPs.
·       LSC accessed to develop IEPs and assists SAER students.
·        All teachers use a range of teaching strategies
·       All teachers write and implement IEPs and/or GEPs for SAER students. Every Aboriginal student in the Kimberley (under NAPLAN minimum standard) is required to have an IEP directing the teaching and learning program.
·       ESD strategies are included in teacher planning for Aboriginal students.

Assessment tools are used to develop strategies to improve achievement on a continual basis.
·         The Kimberley Literacy Profiles form the basis of monitoring student progress in the primary school.
·       The School Literacy Plan – Assessment Checklist included in Evidence Files for all primary students
·       Evidence files/portfolios are regularly updated and  include standardised assessments in literacy and numeracy
·       Moderation occurs between teachers across similar year levels
·       DET  grade descriptors are used for assessing literacy and numeracy
·       GiRN teacher assists with testing and standardisation
·       Running records are used in reading to guide teaching program
·       All classes use evidence files/portfolios to monitor and record academic progress
·       All primary students have a completed KLP
·       Parents/carers are familiar with assessment formats
·       External agencies are used to screen and assess students for sight, hearing, general physical, emotional and psychological factors


Wyndham DHS promotes a school culture of positive attitudes and high expectations.




Wyndham DHS is a welcoming, safe and supportive school where all members demonstrate respect of self and others. All members are encouraged to do their best, have a positive attitude and high expectations.
·       School year begins with the Wyndham Way Festival
·       All staff implement and support the Wyndham Way.
·       Each class has a clear classroom management policy that outlines consequences and rewards and reflects the Wyndham Way and the school BM Policy.
·       The Wyndham Way Code of Conduct and Behaviour Expectations are explicitly taught in all classrooms.
·       Behaviours are consistently reported and recorded on SIS ‘Allow it – Teach it’
·       All staff are expected to address inappropriate behaviours.
·       All behaviours are linked to the language of the Wyndham Way
·       External agencies (eg. psych, chaplain) are used to support students with ongoing BM issues
·       Whole school priming – Wyndham Way Flags
·       Classroom Teachers use priming words and music daily.
·       All students know the Wyndham Way Affirmation
·       Wyndham Way messages/activities are evident around the classroom
·       Schools BM Policy outlines rights and responsibilities and sets clear consequences for inappropriate behaviours.
·       Primary students make the Wyndham Way Pledge

·        All staff implement the Wyndham Way
·       Wyndham DHS – the Friendliest School in Australia. Students and Staff are positive, happy and enthusiastic
·       Reduction in the number of playground Negative Behaviour Incidences. Incidence free days are published and congratulated.
·       Reduction in the number of classroom negative behaviour incidents.
·       Wyndham Way strategies are evidenced throughout classroom and school environment
·       School mission statement and class/school motto are aligned with SDP and reflect

To establish and maintain a school and classroom and community environment that all members want to be part of and where we want to reach our potential.

·       This is a ‘no put down’ school
·       Wyndham Way language and actions are  modelled by staff and included in school activities
·       Class and school incentives and merit certificates reflect the Wyndham Way
·       All students are taught the Five Rivers of Friendship Handshake
·       Community events – Big Brekkie 1st Friday of each term
·       Parents are personally invited to school assemblies and activities
·       Indigenous Hip Hop Project each year
·       Promote scholarship opportunities
·       Display culturally appropriate and relevant material throughout school and classrooms
·       Community organisations are encouraged to award community certificates at Whole School Assemblies.
·       Each class adopt a community facility which they will help to maintain throughout the school year.

·       The school is a place where students feel safe and are willing to take risks
·       Wyndham Way posters/signs and environmental print are displayed around the school
·       No of parents and carers attending school assemblies and activities is increased
·       School song is played at assemblies and whole school activities
·       School mascot (crocodile) is used at school assemblies and school activities

Wyndham DHS expects every child to attend school, specific targets have been set across the school.



Improved Attendance Data

All staff committed to improved Student Attendance

Good standing policy linked to attendance

Provision of engaging programs for secondary students

Continue with School Based Attendance Officer Positions

·       Deputy Principal as Attendance Coordinator to monitor attendance at a class/form level weekly, manage the workload of the SBAO and working with all staff to adhere to school attendance policies and procedures
·       Teachers and support staff act on attendance concerns for students in their class, including home visits and pick-ups where required
·       Implement a liaison and referral procedure with families, DCP and the Police for students whose attendance falls below 60% (severe risk category).
·       Link with Joorook Ngarni to organise meetings with parents/caregivers to discuss attendance issues
·       Big Brekkie 1 per term
·       Class morning teas/lunch one per semester
·       Reward system for parents/caregivers who send their children to school regularly. Presentations made at assemblies
·       Provide information sessions to parents/caregivers on attendance issues
·       Develop programs/pathways (VET) for low attendees
·       Good standing policy linked to attendance (Rewards in place for positive attendance)

School Based Attendance Officer Strategies
·       a daily checklist of activities
·       weekly collegiate meetings with the Deputy Principal to discuss progress
·       establish a manageable number of Target Families of students in the 60 – 79% (moderate at risk) attendance bracket for which to provide intensive, proactive support
·       establish a list of Priority Students in the 60 – 79% (moderate at risk) attendance bracket who have not made the Target Family list and for whom daily attendance is monitored and students picked up when necessary
·       Priority focus on students in Pre-primary to Year 3 to establish good attendance routines.

Whole School Targets
·       The percentage of students in the moderate risk category 60 – 79% will decrease to 16%.
·       The percentage of students in the indicated risk category 80 – 89% will increase to 24%.
·       The percentage of students in the regular category will increase to 35%.

Year Group Targets
·       The percentage of students in Year 1 attending ≥80% of the time will increase to 70%
·       The percentage of students in Year 2 attending ≥80% of the time will increase to 70%
·       The percentage of students in Year 3 attending ≥80% of the time will increase to 90%


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